The Return of Private Fischer: A Love Story tells the story of the interrupted love of Babe and Jack, two real people in San Francisco whose lives were forever changed by the Korean War. Private Jack Fischer is captured, but his teenage love, Babe, never gives up searching for him. His escape, decades later, captures the world’s attention as Babe and Jack overcome the governments that don’t want Jack’s secrets revealed. The Return of Private Fischer is all the more compelling because Babe and Jack were real people whose lives were forever altered by the Korean War.
The Return of Private Fischer tells their real love story in post-World War II San Francisco and then provides a fictional completion of their lives: Private Jack Fischer as a prisoner of war in Communist China and Siberia and Babe Barsi in San Francisco. In the decades that have passed since the end of the Korean War, enough information has been discovered about the fate of the forgotten American and Allied POW’s that the ultimate message in this story is that it could have really happened.